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You can check your PF balance with just one SMS or missed call, know the method

How to check EPF balance
You can check your PF balance with just one SMS or missed call, know the method

How to check EPF balance: EPFO ​​members can also know the balance of their EPF account and the latest contribution in their account by sending a message to 7738299899.

How to check EPF balance: Do you know the balance of your PF account? Do you check it from time to time? Most of the EPFO members are not able to know the balance of their PF account due to not knowing the correct method. Whereas it is very easy to check the balance of your PF account. EPFO members can know the balance of their PF account in four easy ways. You can check your PF account balance through Umang app, through EPFO portal, through missed call or through SMS.

How to check PF balance through EPFO portal

Go to EPFO website and click on employees section and then click on member passbook. By entering your UAN and password you can access the PF passbook. In this, the opening and closing balance as well as the contribution of the employee and employer will be shown. The total of any PF transfer and the amount of PF interest accrued will also be visible. EPF balance can also be seen in the passbook.

How to check PF balance through SMS

You can also know your EPF account balance and latest contribution in your account by sending a message to 7738299899. For this you have to send the message by typing AN EPFOHO ENG from the registered number. ENG here refers to English. If you want to know in another language, type the first three letters of that language.

How to check PF balance through missed call

If your mobile number is registered with UAN, then you can get the information by making a missed call on 9966044425 from your registered mobile number. After making a missed call on this number, you will get some messages from EPFO, in which you will see the balance of your PF accounts.

How to check PF balance through Umang App

Employees can also check their PF balance through Umang App. The government had released the Umang app to provide citizens access to various government services at one place. You can submit claims, view your EPF passbook and track your claims using the Umang app. For this you will have to enter your phone number in the app and do one-time registration.



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