The employee was about to leave the job, Google offered 4 times the salary to stay, the story is interesting

Google is doing layoffs
The employee was about to leave the job, Google offered 4 times the salary to stay, the story is interesting

A startup offered a job to a Google employee at a higher salary. As soon as Google came to know about this, it offered the employee four times more salary than what he was getting, so that he could be retained in the company.

Just think… you are planning to resign from your company and go to another company, but what will happen if the officials of your company come to know about it? Surely you would think that he would be furious with anger and would not behave well with you, but something different happened with the Google employee. A startup offered a job to a Google employee at a higher salary. As soon as Google came to know about this, it offered the employee four times more salary than what he was getting, so that he could be retained in the company.

You may not believe this, but this was revealed by the CEO of that startup himself while talking to Alex Kantrowitz on the Big Technology Podcast show. Arvind Srinivas, CEO of Perplexity AI startup, said that he had offered a higher salary to hire a Google employee. He said that as soon as the officials of Google, the company run by Sundar Pichai, came to know about this, they offered 4 times the salary to that person.

This incident is so interesting that Alex Kantrowitz posted a small part of his podcast about it on Twitter. In this part, Arvind Srinivas is talking to him and telling how all this happened. See the video posted on Twitter.

Recently Google had laid off thousands of people

On one hand, Google has laid off more than 1000 employees in the last one and a half months, while on the other hand, to retain one employee, it offered 4 times the salary. Now the question arises that what kind of strategy is Google working on? This was also talked about in the podcast. Arvind said that according to what he has come to know, Google is laying off those people whose salary is very high, but they do not give that much output. Earlier, even if Google employees were on vacation, no one would think about it, but now they are thinking about all this.

Google is doing layoffs in a smart way

Even though Google is doing layoffs, it is not letting go of its talent which is very useful for it. So Google is doing layoffs in a very smart manner, so that only those people are removed whom it does not need at all. It is seen in most of the companies that people with high salaries are fired and those with low salaries are hired, but Google has proved this notion wrong to a great extent by offering 4 times the salary to an employee.


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