Telegram New Feature: Now you will be able to watch stories anonymously, new feature on Telegram

Telegram New Feature
Telegram New Feature: Now you will be able to watch stories anonymously, new feature on Telegram

Telegram has launched many new features to increase user privacy and improve the platform experience.

Telegram has recently introduced many new features to increase the privacy of users and improve the platform experience. This feature is for premium users, in which they can watch stories anonymously and customize channels and profiles. Telegram wants to meet its target of 900 million monthly active users.

According to the platform, these new features will give users more control over their profiles, communications and interactions within channels and groups. Let us know about some new features of Telegram in detail here.

Channels: There is now a ‘Channel’ tab in Telegram’s search interface, which suggests new channels to users similar to the ones they are following.

My Profile: By going to My Profile section in Settings, users see their profile exactly as their profile is visible to others. Here they will also get a chance to edit their profile. Users can also pin three stories, which will appear at the top of their profile.

Birthday: Telegram can now add your birthday to your profile and make it visible to your contacts.

Can add channel to profile: Channel owners can now also add channels to their profile. Anyone who visits their profile will be able to view their content in one tap.

Profile picture in forwarded message: Now the profile picture of the user whose message has been forwarded will also be visible in the forwarded message. Premium users can use animated and custom emojis in polls.

Watch stories anonymously: Premium users can now watch any story anonymously by turning on Stealth Mode. That means no one will know that he has seen the story.

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