Aadhaar Card After Death: What will happen to Aadhaar Card after death? know how to surrender..

Aadhaar Card After Death
Aadhaar Card After Death: What will happen to Aadhaar Card after death? know how to surrender..

Aadhaar Card After Death: Aadhaar is a 12-digit unique number, which includes information about your name, address and fingerprint. Without Aadhaar Card, you cannot avail the benefits of government schemes.

Aadhaar Card After Death: Aadhar card has become an important document in modern times. Aadhaar Card is required as an important document in every government as well as private work. Aadhaar is a 12-digit unique number, which includes information about your name, address and fingerprint. Without Aadhaar Card, you cannot avail the benefits of government schemes.

Aadhaar is also used for everything from gas connection to getting subsidy. Aadhaar card is required for everything from opening a bank account to school admission. In such a situation, if your Aadhar card goes to some wrong people then it can be misused.

In such a situation, it is necessary to be cautious about the security of Aadhaar, but have you thought that if a person dies, what happens to his Aadhaar card? Can their Aadhaar card be surrendered or closed? Let us know what should be done with the Aadhaar of the deceased person.

What should be done to the Aadhaar of the deceased person?

Aadhaar is issued by UIDAI to every Indian citizen. Aadhar card can also be made for a newborn. The system of issuing Aadhaar card has been made by UIDAI, but there is no system available to surrender or cancel it. However, some strict arrangements have been made regarding its security, so that no one can miss its use.

Aadhaar card cannot be surrendered or cancelled, but it can be locked. After locking, no other person can access your Aadhaar data. To use it, the Aadhar card will have to be unlocked first. The other way is that the family members should keep the Aadhaar card of the deceased person safely and take care that it does not reach anyone else’s hands.

How will Aadhaar Card be locked?

  • First of all you have to visit the official website of UIDAI, uidai.gov.in.
  • After this click on the option of My Aadhaar.
  • Go to Aadhaar Services in My Aadhaar, there select the option of ‘Lock/Unlock Biometrics’.
  • After this a new page will open.
  • To login into it, enter your 12 digit Aadhaar number and captcha code, then click on Send OTP.
  • After entering this OTP, you will see the option to lock/unlock the biometric data.
  • You can choose the lock or unlock option you want.


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